Is the A30 pavement safe?

Wandering along the A30 frontage, we came across these cones linked by ‘Police, do not cross’ tape.P1020815

P1020817Our immediate reaction was that some dastardly deed had been committed in the former dry cleaner’s premises.  However, looking more closely, it seemed that some of the stonework  had fallen off the front of the building.  Possibly the recent frosts had been the last straw for the tired fabric.

P1020816P1020819As far as we know, no-one has been hurt.  But this is serious.  Can we wait until the whole area is redeveloped before something is done about it??

4 thoughts on “Is the A30 pavement safe?

  1. Whoever owns the freehold, in the absence of a tennent should be encoraged to effect repairs to a safe standard at the very least. I’m sure SHBC has this in hand – hopefully

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